Oakfield Primary Academy is an inclusive mainstream primary school where children with Special Educational Needs/Disabilities are welcomed and supported to fulfil their potential. We are committed to providing high-quality education and believe that all children, including those identified as having special educational needs, have a common entitlement to a broad and balanced curriculum, and to be included in all aspects of school life. We believe that all children have a right to be valued, encouraged and accepted equally, regardless of their ability, gender, background, religion or culture.
At Oakfield we understand that all children develop at different rates and we are sensitive to this. We carefully monitor every child's development and work with parents/carers and other agencies to ensure that all children have every opportunity to achieve their very best and feel successful at school. Provision for SEND is modelled on the style of action and intervention outlined in the Children's and Families Act and SEND Code of Practice to ensure that maximum progress is made within the curriculum. Provision may be offered through adaptive teaching, reasonable adjustments and targeted support to meet the specific needs of individuals or groups of children.
If you have any questions regarding your child's development, please contact our Acting SENDCo, Mr Andy Holley.
Email: admin@oakfieldprimaryacademy.co.uk
Phone: 01788565021
Oakfield Primary Academy - Inclusion and SEND Policy