At Oakfield Primary Academy, we have chosen to provide a secure foundation to our computing curriculum by following the Purple Mash scheme of learning. This scheme encompasses the key skills identified in the National Curriculum and ensures a clear, concise progression from EYFS to Year 6. The scheme allows teachers to present the objectives in an effective, engaging way which will encourgae a positive trajectory in progress and promote high standards of subject knowledge, ensuring that children will leave Oakfield Primary with a strong understanding of how to navigate the world of ever evolving technology.
The computing curriculum focuses on three main strands: Digital Literacy, Computer Science and Information Technology, in a spiral approaching meaning knowledge and skills are revisited over their years at Oakfield, to ensure that knowledge is embedded and understanding of a unit is deepened as each lesson is taught. This will ensure that children become competent in safely using technology.
Our aim is to deliver a broad curriculum which allows children to enjoy their learning and be able to identify the skills they are building upon and where their learning is going next. With the internet and social meadia being essential in everyday life, we aim to model and teach the children how to keep safe when online. We understand that computing is paramount in the modern world and we are keen to foster the children's interest in this and promote resilience, critical thinking, collaborative learning and independence during their computing lessons.
Computing Knowledge & Skills Progression Map