At Oakfield Primary Academy, we are dedicated to utilizing the Language Angels scheme of work and resources to deliver a broad, balanced, and ambitious foreign languages curriculum. Our aim is to inspire and engage our pupils through a diverse range of topics and themes. We hold high expectations for all students, encouraging them to accomplish their full potential in foreign language learning. Our ultimate goal is to empower pupils to pursue and in achieve language studies beyond Key Stage 2 with confidence and enthusiasm.
We recognise the importance of equipping students with the skills necessary to thrive in a multicultural and interconnected world, hence we are committed to ensuring that all curriculum content is continually updated and reviewed on an annual basis, creating a dynamic program of study clearly articulated in both long-term and short-term planning. This approach guarantees that our pupils’ foreign language knowledge progresses year on year throughout the primary phase while consistently aligning with national DfE requirements.
Our comprehensive and vibrant curriculum focuses on the four key language learning skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. We will cover all necessary grammatical concepts in an age-appropriate manner across the primary phase. This inclusive approach enables pupils to use and apply their learning in various contexts, laying solid foundations for future language acquisition.
Our intent is to cultivate a genuine interest and positive curiosity about foreign languages among all pupils, making language learning enjoyable and stimulating. Acquiring a second language will provide students with opportunities to explore the relationships between language and identity, deepen their understanding of diverse cultures, and foster a greater awareness of themselves and others. Ultimately, we aspire for our pupils to become lifelong language learners, equipped with the skills and curiosity to navigate an increasingly interconnected world.